Your eyes reflect your pain<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

they do reflect your fears

You try to hide it all inside

but through your eyes I see the feelings you cannot hide

Stop living a lie

take your mask off and show me who you are inside

I know you're fragile and weak

I know it's love that you seek

Don't you know you're already mine?

Your cowardness was so big

that you didn't even have the guts to say goodbye


Your eyes reflect your pain

they do reflect your fears

Why are you so afraid of me?

Don't you wanna be happy?


My love is not obsession

you were my life, you were my passion

Sometimes I hate you so much

I wish you would fucking die


Your eyes reflect MY pain

This pain I cannot hide...



Ei minun, vaan se on DeviantArtista ja sen on kirjoittanut lovepills ja tuon runon nimi on "Pain". Etsin itselleni myös uuden taustakuvan, niinikään DeviantArtista. Sen nimi on ”Into The Mist” ja sen on valokuvannut sirgerg.

